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Interested in starting an Allies for Gender Equity group on campus? Forté's Allies for Gender Equity MBA Toolkit will guide you through the process, share best practices, and help you avoid common stumbling blocks.

The Allies for Gender Equity MBA Toolkit features insights and advice from allyship leaders at Forté partner business schools. Gain valuable information on topics such as attracting members, planning activities, and working effectively with the Women in Business (WIB) club on your campus.

Who is this toolkit for?

  • MBA students considering starting an Allies for Gender Equity group on campus
  • Men interested in starting a male ally group on campus
  • Women involved with a women’s leadership group on campus who want to make their gender equity efforts more inclusive
  • People in any role — students, faculty, administrators — who want to better understand and advocate for gender equity


Request the MBA Toolkit by completing the form below. You will receive an email with a link to download the Toolkit. If you have questions, please email

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