Liz Hanify
Senior Vice President, Fixed Income and Equity Origination
Fidelity Capital Markets

Propelled by a Fort? Fellowship that funded her MBA, Liz Hanify built a finance career that led her from junior associate to senior management. Now she’s showing women how to merge their passions in business.

As an undergrad, Liz Hanify attended a Wall Street firm’s women’s recruiting night not to schmooze her way into a business career but to catch up with a recent grad over the event’s wine and cheese. Though indifferent to the event’s purpose, this English lit major may have asked the panel its toughest question of the night: "After a long day of work, how many of you kick your heels off and wonder what you’ve done to make the world a better place?”

Years later, as a Fort? Fellow alumna and senior vice president at Fidelity Capital Markets, she can answer the question with confidence. Her current role overseeing the underwriting and trading of municipal bonds—one she never imagined as an undergrad—supports communities.

“I'd like to think that we're helping the community build a hospital or a school, and I am admittedly very proud of those efforts,” she said. “It makes me really happy to go over a bridge where I know we helped with the financing or to pass a new school where I know we were involved in the underwriting.”

So what’s the secret to finding a career that means something to you personally? Look for a place where your passions and career can intersect.

“Municipal finance allowed me to do that,” she said. “It combined what was a growing business acumen with my desire to improve communities and think about development.”